I took a break from my blog. Why you ask? Honestly, because I saw the million other bloggers out there, who in my mind are perfect. And I thought, I can’t do this. I am not good enough, talented enough, interesting enough, etc. My sweet husband is the king of quotes and knowing exactly what to say at the right time to make me check myself. ha-ha. In his recovery he heard a quote, that one day when I was getting so down on myself and the things I was or wasn’t doing, he looked at me and said “Comparison is the thief of joy”. It basically smacked me in the face. I realized, Holy smokes, I could go on and on in detail of all of the things I have compared myself to throughout my life, that have contributed to me being so unhappy!! I never had confidence because, compared to everyone else, in my mind I just kind of sucked. At everything. And now as a mother, it has been worse than ever!!
COMPARISON IS THE THIEF OF JOY!! So, I am here to say my house is a total disaster. I have like 5 decorations that are so outdated they just aren’t cute anymore. In fact, they aren’t even on display. They are in the same place they have been for years. My garage. Laundry of my non-stylish clothing has been partially done, and will probably sit in the basket on our floor until I need the basket for another load. My hair is currently a dirty mess in a bun on my head (yep, I wore it like that to church), and I am wearing a shirt that has holes because it lost a battle to my washer/dryer. I still have baby weight that, let’s face it, ain’t goin’ nowhere. I am going to continue to take and post pictures from my Iphone and will try to filter the heck out of them so I can look somewhat decent (unless my sister is in town, then I will definitely ask her to professionally edit. ha-ha) My kids, who I love more than life, have been living off of chicken nuggets and corn dogs. They are outside wearing shirts from last year that don’t fit and are covered in stains, while not wearing pants or shoes. Our puppy (cutest thing) pooped inside, and my son decided to join her and take off his poopy diaper and add his flavor to the mix. Awesome. I am going to have 3+ rolls at dinner, WITH butter, and I will enjoy every bite.
What I am trying to say is whatever you are doing today is good enough. Don’t compare yourself to anyone!! Know that you all have our own “perfect-ness”. And I know that my life is “my-kind-of-perfect-ness,” Pinterest fails and all. I wouldn’t have it any other way!!
May 2, 2016I love this sis and LOVE the photos! The quote is one of my favs and so so TRUE!